
We are a family of dental professionals offering patient centric dental care

Fort McMurray Emergency Dentistry

We Welcome all Patients Experiencing any Kind of Dental Emergency!

Eagle Ridge Dental Clinic is pleased to offer emergency dentistry to patients and non-patients alike. If you are not sure whether a particular dental problem requires emergency dental care, our Eagle Ridge Dental Clinic team offers this advice; if it hurts, it’s an emergency!

This is because even injuries that seem simple or small can affect living tissue inside the teeth. Swift treatment significantly improves the likelihood of saving damaged or injured teeth, and it also keeps the final costs to you down, by helping avoid more serious treatment later on. We strongly encourage you to contact us as soon as possible if you think you may be experiencing any kind of dental emergency.

In an Emergency Situation, Time is of the Essence!

Symptoms of a Dental Emergency

  • A toothache that won’t go away
  • Facial swelling
  • Tooth pain that is not responsive to pain killers
  • Any pain that wakes you up at night
  • A gum infection
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Pain from biting pressure
  • Constant or intermittent tooth pain
  • Tissue swelling in the face
  • Bad odour or taste in the mouth
  • A loss of a tooth
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • A cracked, broken, or chipped tooth
  • An abscessed tooth
  • A loss of a filling or crown

All of the above listed symptoms are good indications that you may be experiencing some type of dental emergency that requires timely attention. Our trained and experienced team will review your symptoms with you, and we will always try our very best to see you as soon as possible, if not right away!